Great day for Red-shouldered Hawks

When it’s a beautiful sunny day in mid-February in South Florida, it’s only natural that lots of people flock to the nature preserves to stroll and enjoy the fresh air and scenery. But unfortunately, that often means it is much too crowded with humans for my taste ;-).  I prefer to go to the places with fewer people, like the spot I visited last Sunday. It was a great day for Red-shouldered Hawks there!IMG_0184IMG_0831We often see Red-shouldered Hawks in our area, and this is nesting season for them. The one above was taking turns with its mate sitting on the nest and flying off for the next meal.IMG_0198Even though they usually eat small mammals, amphibians, and crustaceans, this Hawk above was demonstrating that, they “they occasionally eat birds…” ( We watched him fly back to the tree with a small bird in his talons, and begin patiently plucking feathers from this unfortunate little creature.  The cycle of life goes on . . . .IMG_0234As I walked around the marsh trails, it seemed that there was a Red-Shouldered Hawk in every other tree.IMG_0232This last one even seemed to call out to me, as I neglected to notice him at first. I had walked by his tree and he started calling out, so I felt I couldn’t leave before taking his picture, too ;-D.



10 thoughts on “Great day for Red-shouldered Hawks

  1. You mentioned seeing quite a few in trees. Is that common or is it seemingly greater this year? I found so many Red-tailed Hawks in our area, far more than any previous year. I love your beautiful photos. I don’t see this hawk very often even though we have them here.


    • Thanks, Donna. I think this might have been a happy fluke for me that day. I volunteer at this NWR and we often see hawks, but I think maybe they were more visible on this particular day because some pairs were busy at their nests, flying back and forth.


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