No lockdown for nature

EC0162C8-2BFE-407B-A628-5E662542851E_1_201_aAn hour before sunset, we were just finishing our walk at the local wildlife refuge, one of the only places nearby that didn’t close during the coronavirus. D1837049-4611-4A89-BDB5-222256C170A1_1_201_aMiles of trails make it possible for visitors to hike and enjoy over a thousand acres of marsh and fresh water wetlands without coming close to other people.6EC4FB88-875A-454A-ACD1-070C3B98673B_1_201_aThis alert little Green Heron flew by and settled on a high branch, surveying the natural world below.

We saw and heard owls, hawks, woodpeckers, warblers and wading birds of all kinds, a family of Sandhill Cranes, and even a a group of 6-8 deer on our walks at the refuge in recent weeks, enjoying the peace and quiet as if nothing was amiss in the rest of the world.☺️

32 thoughts on “No lockdown for nature

  1. Yes it is the peacefulness of oblivious non human creation that helps normalize us and keep our peace at the moment with this lock-down. We appreciate our National Parks so much more and can see the benefits of birding so much more clearly.

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  2. So true, no lock down for nature. Although some parks here in Malta have actually been closed but only for us humans which is of course only an advantage to nature all animals and insects. Great images of of the seemingly proud bird!!

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    • I’m glad you enjoyed this little Green Heron, Anita! Yes, he does look quite proud, doesn’t he? I agree with your thoughts…. I’m sure the wildlife are quite content to go about their daily affairs without us. 😌

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