Bet no one can see me now . . . . !

I recently saw this American Bittern strolling through the marsh.  American Bitterns are fun to spot, since they are usually very well-camouflaged – they blend right into their surroundings. Variously described as stealthy, secretive, and solitary, the American Bittern reacts to intruders by stopping in his tracks, stretching out his neck, and pointing his nose upward, trying ever so hard […]

What is this bird doing here??

The Red-winged Blackbird featured above definitely is at home here in the south Florida marshes. But this Yellow-headed Blackbird is definitely out of place!  I never even knew there was such a bird as the Yellow-headed Blackbird until a few days ago, but lately, a couple of them have been spotted among the scores of RWBB’s flitting […]

The Baker’s Dream

Once again there are some fascinating connections between the weekly Torah reading and birds. Just last week, we read of Joseph, the son of Jacob who was perhaps best remembered for his dream interpretations (and his “Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat”!). Joseph interprets the dreams of both his fellow inmates in Pharoah’s prison, the wine steward […]

White birds showing their stuff at the marsh ~

In addition to the huge White Stork above, there were a dozen White Ibis, several Great Egrets, and a host of others sloshing around in one small marshy spot yesterday morning.  Must have been some tasty breakfast snacks available.They were literally lined up on the boardwalk railings, and kept taking turns flying in and out […]

Just another day in Paradise ~

The American Bittern featured above is one of those special, elusive birds that we don’t see out in the open very often.   Several birders stood watching him for the longest time . . . waiting for him to just DO something!  Meantime, he was very accommodating to stand in this little clearing and be […]