The takeover continues . . .

The Wood Stork “… is the only stork breeding in the United States and was placed on the Federal Endangered Species list in 1984. The species was downlisted from endangered to threatened in June 2014, reflecting a successful conservation and recovery effort spanning three decades.” (many more details here: National Park Service) The previously endangered […]

Let me be as a bird . . .

This past week, our Shabbat Torah reading, which was the second portion of the Book of Devarim (Deuteronomy), opened with one of the most poignant and moving statements ever made by the great leader Moshe Rabbenu (Moses). G-d has previously told Moshe that, despite Moshe’s great love for Eretz Israel, he will never enter the […]

Youngsters in the neighborhood (and a brief but important story about Hats)

I decided to post a few more images of our local little ones. . . . . Cannot believe what it’s like to be able to experience this beauty every day! Remember those Tri-colored Heron chicks (above) with the “punk” hairdos? They are getting bigger every day!These are among the newest of the Great Egret chicks – […]