Waiting to see some Stilt Chicks

There is something irresistible about Black-necked Stilts, so elegant with their uncommonly long pink legs and streamlined torpedo-shaped bodies! πŸ’•

They’ve been enjoying this very shallow, muddy section of the marsh for awhile now, but I haven’t noticed any nests yet.

Their nests can be hard to find as they are “usually located on bare open ground or in short vegetation, surrounded by water. . . and may be a simple scrape in the soil or a mound of vegetation.” (American Bird Conservancy)

Hoping to see chicks soon!

17 thoughts on “Waiting to see some Stilt Chicks

  1. 🌾 In the marsh’s embrace, a graceful scene, 🌿 Black-necked Stilts, with legs of pink sheen. πŸ’• Uncommonly long, their elegant stride, 🦩 Torpedo-shaped bodies, in marshland pride.

    Enjoying the shallows, with mud underfoot, 🌊 No nests in sight, where waters meet. πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Nests on bare ground, a hidden sight, πŸ₯š In short vegetation, day or night.

    A simple scrape, or a mound so neat, 🏞️ A home for chicks, where waters greet. 🐣 Hoping soon, in nature’s embrace, 🌾 Stilt chicks appear, with gentle grace.

    In the dance of life, where marshlands sing, 🎢 Black-necked Stilts, with feathered wings. 🦒 Waiting patiently, for nature’s surprise, πŸŒ… In the shallows, under open skies.


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  2. Great captures of these very snazzy birds, Carol! Love that in-flight shot with the dripping toes!

    I saw one fly over the recent day I got the Black Skimmers, and of course was hoping for more ☹ but it wasn’t to be.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love your photographs of these beautiful birds.

    Most of the nests I’ve found have been very slight depressions in the mud. And the eggs are perfectly camoflaged.

    Hope you see chicks! (So then you can share with us!)


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