Marjory Stoneman Douglas Everglades Habitat

One of my favorite places to bird – or just walk – is a beautiful preserve with a very long name:  The Wellington Environmental Preserve at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Everglades Habitat. A lush, marshy wetland, with scenic views in every direction! Even on this very windy day, the Terns loved it (I think these […]

Feeling thankful for these little beauties

I was drawn by the lilting song of this sweet Eastern Meadowlark while out walking in Wellington Preserve, on Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend. So irresistible ~ Have a listen.And, right across the road ….a handsome Loggerhead Shrike was posing in a low tree. What a blessing to have these delightful birds in our midst.

The pretty little ‘Butcher Bird’

Although their range covers almost the entire southern half of North America, I had never seen a Loggerhead Shrike before last spring. Over the past two weeks, though, they seemed to be everywhere, sitting atop scrubby perches, surveying the landscape for some tasty prey. Also known as ‘Butcher Birds‘, Loggerhead Shrikes are unusual in that they […]